Spring has arrived in Kokshetau, bringing with it so many changes that I barely recognize the town I lived in just a few short weeks ago. First and foremost, it is warm and green.
The only thing missing is… my family!!! Everything here reminds me of the wonderful time we had together on our first trip and how nothing is nearly as beautiful or amazing when they are gone. Somehow, I failed to realize that in longing to return to Kazakhstan I was actually just longing to relive the wonderful moments that Tim, Calvin, Mom, Garrett, and I shared here as a happy family. I can’t do that without them here! Now, watching the kids ride their bikes in the plaza outside Gorky park, or watching the families eat ice cream on the grass promenade, only makes me miss my own dear ones.
On that subject, there have been some scheduling changes, so please make a note. All of the government offices are closed for the Victory Day holiday and will only re-open on May 12th. What this means to me, dear friends, is that I can visit Garrett at the babyhouse on the 10th and 11th, but I may not take custody of him until I fill out the last of the paperwork on the 12th. To say that I am disappointed doesn’t quite cover it. I thought that Garrett was going to be in my arms as my very own for Mother’s Day. Now I find that I just get a visit. I flew all the way around the world just to be held off for another couple of days. Oh well.
There is a silver lining to the new schedule and that is this… Garrett will have two days to slowly warm back up to me before I take him away from the babyhouse. I had been worried about his reaction to being torn away from his “home” by a woman he hasn’t seen for a month. With two days of visitation before I take custody, Garrett will get a chance to remember who I am before I take him. Hopefully that will make the transition easier for him… which really is the only important thing.
In other news, we are not staying at the cottage. Instead we are across town near the Tsum store and Gorky park staying in our coordinator, Shizada’s home.
In other news, we are not staying at the cottage. Instead we are across town near the Tsum store and Gorky park staying in our coordinator, Shizada’s home.
Finally, I’m flying to Astana to Almaty on the night of May 12th, the same day that I pick up Garrett. We are going to pick him up and just keep driving to the airport. Eeek!
Wish me luck. I promise I’ll cheer up... I feel better already... after all, I get to hold my baby tomorrow!!!
I am so proud of you for making that journey again honey! Hey - at least now you are closer to the Tsum store and the o-so delicous cherry juice. Can you go the glass building and buy me a knife sharpener, like the one in the old cottage? Thanks. I love you honey! Go get that baby!
Hey Becca,
We are estatic to see that the Blog is Back! Maybe you could just continue with it for a couple of months or so when you get back. We love being with you on your adventures.
PS: Yes, its time for some new and wonderful memories with your sister Caroline - how neat that practically your entire family has gotten to be in Kazahkstan and will always be able to relate directly to the experience when you talk about it because they were there too. Adopt another child after this, and I'll go with you!
Enjoy the wonderful weather over there & say hello to Baby Garrett.
pps: Any details on Sasha's adoption???!! We're dying to know!
Wow, Kokshetau in the spring! I can hardly believe the green!
We miss you so much too! Calvin is “Having a blast” being 100% silly and totally happy. As you know is a perfect little guy. We have many more projects yet to do to get ready for your late Mother’s Day and Garrett homecoming. He is such a great helper!
Hurry and see Garrett! By the 12th he will ready to love you forever. His will be a good transition for him. He is such a doll! Say Hi to Makahabbat for me.
Love you too Caroline! You too have fun together and we will be ready for your next Skype!
On the home front – this time in California and missing you from the other side of the world…
Love you so much,
Wow, you really have hit what seems to be ALL of the Kaz holidays on your two trips over there!
I hope the 10th and 11th go fast for you! Happy Mother's Day!
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