The caretakers have a new nickname for Garrett: "Vinigrete," the Russian word for grapes, on account of the silly purple grape hat I put him in every couple of days. When we show up they say "Posh lee, posh lee, Vinigrete! Mama ee Papa!" (Let's go, let's go, Grapes! Mama and Daddy are here!) Here are some pictures of my sweet little bunch of grapes today.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The caretakers have a new nickname for Garrett: "Vinigrete," the Russian word for grapes, on account of the silly purple grape hat I put him in every couple of days. When we show up they say "Posh lee, posh lee, Vinigrete! Mama ee Papa!" (Let's go, let's go, Grapes! Mama and Daddy are here!) Here are some pictures of my sweet little bunch of grapes today.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tid Bits
No subject matter today, just tid bits from our day.
Here is a picture of Calvin playing with the neighbors. The boys have switched cars and the girls are happily giggling at the Americans.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring is Here!
It's official. Spring has come to Kazakhstan. Though there is still nary a blade of green grass to be seen, the occurance of two sunny days in a row has wrought a change on the people of Kokshetau. Everyone is outside today. Grown women walk arm and arm in slightly thinner leather coats that usual. The last of the snow, sprayed brown from the sludge of passing cars, is being shoveled into the streets to melt. Families are tidying up the yards and walkways outside their homes, picking up bottles and wrappers that were left there all winter long. Kids are playing. Young mothers sit quietly on benches holding babies so heavily swaddled that they look like pastel bundles of laundry.
While the scenary is not alive with growth, there is a definate thawing in the people of Kazakhstan. The Kazakhs are soaking up the sun and I'm with them. It feels great!
I got some good pictures on the way to the babyhouse this morning. Nursultan agreed to stop at a WWII memorial in the little town that we pass through everyday. Here is what I saw-
A woman draws water up from a well and pours it into a large metal can. Her son sits on a fence and waits.
Tim got a picture that he's been wanting too. A mustang sign in Schuchinsk!
This is what Garrett looks like when he wants to take a nap and you won't let him. Poor little bumpkin!
When we were leaving for the day, the caregivers told us that Garrett (Ruslan as they call him) is a real American baby now because he has become more demanding. They say that we have spoiled him. I offered to take him off of there hands right now... but no luck!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tour of the neighborhood
I'm becoming quite the conossuier of graffiti here in Kokshetau. It is a safe city, but it is heavily adorned. A lot of the graffiti is in english and some of it is pretty funny from an American standpoint. So far I have seen "Tractor Bowling!", "Jane Air!", "Bless the Fall!", "Be Happy!" and "Zeus!" proclaimed in spray paint on the concrete walls of our neighborhood. Just before you cross the street to the market, if you look to the left on the brick foundation of the apartment building, you'll also see this strange black and white spray painted picture of a woman with glasses. Kokshetau art!
Above the shops, are apartments. Most people here in Kokshetau live in apartments and the standard of living in these soviet era high rise buildings seems much better than the small dachas on the outskirts of town.So, that's about it for our immediate neighborhood, tripping home through the squelchy mud we see several small boys calling up to a friend on a balcony. We pass a solemn looking man in a black leather cap. When we see the "Smile" sign we know we're home.
That's it. I'm off to belly dancing class with Mom and Makhabbat. No really. I am. More on that later.