When Tim and I got to the babyhouse today, we found our little bug had been shaved! Mohawk man is no more! As ridiculous as the first haircut was, I loved the mohawk and was sort of desastated to find that it had been replaced by the standard institutional cut. They cut my baby's hair!
After (still perfectly darling and practically perfect in every way... but without "the do")
And like Sampson, shorn by Delilah in the dead of night, this unexpected trim sapped our little Garrett of his strength. After briefly playing with Mom and Dad (and of course yellow bowling pin bear) his sparkling hazel eyes started to look tired. Those incredibly long lashes began to droop and before I knew it, he was snoozing contentedly in my arms.
Here's our day in pictures:
Honestly, though, the caregivers are very sweet and were happy to take a picture with their Ruslan.
This caregiver, in particular, is our constant superviser. Garrett loves them all. I can't help but feel ridiculously jealous when he smiles at them as they pass.
Back to playing. Kisses from Daddy
Kisses from Mama
Look at those lashes!
Getting Sleepy = Good Snuggles
Wowie wow wow, I can't believe they cut his hair! I'll bet you guys can't wait to be in charge of his luscious locks. :)
Mohawk or no mohawk, that kid is adorable either way! I loved your Sampson and Delilah parallels. I do hope he is feeling better soon. I'm sure he'd heal much faster if you'd just keep his hat on him. LOL!
Oh my goodness re: cutting off all his hair! He's still the most adorable kid on the block, but geez, don't you lose like 50% of your body heat from your head? In any case, I guess it means more adorable, fuzzy hats in the future.
The nodding off to sleep pics are so beautiful. That last one is so gentle and loving, I wanted to reach out and give my monitor a gentle touch.
Much love to you all. Thanks so much for the wonderful postings. I'm with you all in spirit.
It's great to read all about your time in the Kaz. That is one cute baby, I tell ya. How's Calvin holding up in all this? Must be an amazing adventure for him in all this as well. Keep the updates coming! I live vicariously through you Snyders.
Hello- I just want to let you know that I have enjoyed reading your blog and love the links to the video that you have listed. My husband & are waiting for our dossieur to be submitted- hopefully soon! Thanks for sharing your blog- it's been great to read up on your progress! Congrats on your little one!
Donna DiNicola
Wow! Congratulations! What an adventure! What a beautiful baby! I'm very happy for you. Thank you for including me. I check your blog every day. All the best to you and your wonderful family.
So adorable! Kathryn has the same eye lashes! Love 'em. Great pics.
Dear Garrett,
Your eyes are so beautiful and I love looking at your pictures each day with my mommy. Would you consider dating an older girl? I'm excited for you to get home so that we can play. I'll show you all sorts of fun things we can do to make our older siblings upset. And your haircut, I must you do look very handsome. My mommy was sad after I got my first trim too but I think it's for the best. Can't wait for you to come home and play.
Becca and Tim...He is amazing. I can't wait to meet him and experience his equally impressive personality. It sure does warm my heart to see you two so happy. What a beautiful family you have there. Keep the posts comin. I love em. Tiff
Wow! What an amazing baby! He's beautiful and seems quite charming already. I can't wait to meet him. It sure is great to see how happy you two are...you deserve it. What a beautiful family. Keep the posts coming. I love em. Tiff ;)
Becca, the blog is wonderful. I check it everyday to see if "I" got to see Garrett today - its like I'm right there with you. Don't ever stop. Its like a captivating novel in which we cannot wait to turn the page - oh but wait! Has the page been in fact written yet today is the question....???
Love, CAS
Anxiously awaiting more....
Great pictures as usual, I especially loved the ones of little Garrett finally falling asleep!
The 'mohawk' was definitely precious but mohawk or no mohawk - Garrett still looks sooo darling!
Keep writing......
Big hug and love to all......
Awww, he is still so darling even without the mohawk. I totally understand that you wouldn't want the caretakers to cute his hair though, that must have been quite the surprise. The good news is that it will grow back in time. We miss you and hope you are enjoying your time with your new precious Garrett.
Sam, Ryan & Gabby
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