Day 4
Garrett was sleepy today and when Tim and I first arrived we wondered whether or not he was catching the cold that one of the other babies has. We went through our normal rountine of diaper and kisses and layers and kisses and hats and kisses and blanket and kisses before we were sent, not to the activity room that we had been in until now, but to the larger music room I had seen in other parent's pictures.
After about 20 minutes of just being held, Garrett began to perk up and we got lots of smiles playing a game that had been one of Calvin's favorites as a baby. Over and over I let Garrett stand on those strong baby legs on my stomachs as I lay on the floor, then I would swoop him down for a kiss and then stand him back up again. He absolutely adored it. Little thrill seeker.
He is such a sweetheart. I trying my best to learn all of his little coos and growls but so far I'm just guessing. The hour and a half goes so fast! I wish I could hold him all day.
He's such a big boy, too. The pants I brought for my 6 month old baby are sized 9 months and they were so tight I unbuttoned them to give his tummy a little more room. The "I'm Calvin's Little Brother" shirt that he's wearing is a 12 month shirt and, granted he has two layers underneath, but it is snug! Looks like Garrett is going to fit right in with the big boys in the Snyder house!
Before I finish, here are a couple more views around the music room.
Another view out the window. I don't know what that big black thing is.
Just before we left, a photographer came in to take Garrett's passport picture.
After we had said our goodbyes and were walking to the car, Makhabat told us that Garrett hadn't taken his morning nap with the rest of the babies. Tim and I said that we had noticed how tired he was. Makhabat shook her head and said "No. You don't understand. Ze babies they feel zeez things. Zeez is a good sign. He knew you were coming. He was too excited to sleep."
I love that comment!! Wise, correct and thoughtful. Take care, Susan
Makhabbat is so awesome! And, she is right. We were told Alia quit eating for a day or so when we left between bonding and court.
I am enjoying following along on your journey! Your boy is such a cutie!
Please tell Makhabbat Scott & Angela ("the teachers") say hello and Alia is doing well.
That is so sweet. You are truly becoming a family! He is so cute. Tell Makhabbat Hi from the Ryans.
This one made me cry. Just the thought of him truly feeling love of family for the first time, what a joy, what a blessing, for all of you!
I was thinking about what it will feel like to leave for even that short time, without your little love. Thankfully only two weeks.
What a blessing to have the two of you as parents and Calvin as a big brother.
Your the best!
We love you!
John, James and Kevin too!
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