Today our little bundle of joy smiled as soon as he saw us walk in the door! In only two days, he has already figured out that we belong to him! What a smartie. Can I just say, my little mohawk man has absolutely the most charming smile of any baby in Kazakhstan. He absolutely lights up the room.
So after a quick change into four layers of clothes, socks, a hat, and a fleece blanket, we were off to the play room again for an hour and a half of smiles and rattle shaking. As our playtime is right after lunch, we also saw our fair share of mashed potato and meatball spit up, but even his spit-up is endearing... stinky, but endearing.
Garrett is facinated by Tim. He can't take his eyes off of his daddy. Tim believes Garrett's attitude is because, even now, Garrett knows that daddy will someday buy him a car. If this is indeed Garrett's line of thinking, then he and Tim are truly kindred spirits. Whatever the reason, it sure is cute!
I also got my share of smiles today.

But far more important than either parent were the teething toys from Big Brother Calvin and the "bowling pin bear."
But far more important than either parent were the teething toys from Big Brother Calvin and the "bowling pin bear."
So when our time was up, we kissed those chubby little cheeks, secured his socks, put his hat back on, wrapped him in his fleece blanket and walked the 15 steps back down the hall to the nursery. The nursery that Garrett lives in has about twelve babies under the age of one. Their living quarters are divided into a sleeping room with cots backed up to one another in a giant U shape. The other room has two large play pins (basically full sized mattereses with rails all around and a pole across with mobiles hanging down),a small changing table with a space heater aimed at it which is always warming a pile of brightly colored socks. There are two highchairs that the end of the playpin. There is a small desk in on corner and a table with two chairs where the caretakes feed the babies and also eat their own lunch. A large window separate the two rooms. Underneath the window is a couch. Everything is brightly colored. Here is a pic. I'll take more when I think caretakers aren't looking.
Love you all. I'll try and write about life in Kokshetau tonight. Right now Makhabat (our interpreter) and her 8-year-old daughter are going to take us to Pyramid Pizza for a treat. Nothing like a local delicacy.
I love reading your posts because they make me smile with wonderful memories of being in Kaz exactly one year ago.
Take care and all the best, Susan
I love looking at your pics everyday. The memories!! That pink car in the playroom, the smell of meatballs and mashed potatoes, the endless layers of baby clothes, the care-givers telling you how to take care of THEIR babies. What may be a bother right now, will be a fond and funny memory later on. I think the kids love the men so much (other than they're bonding w/ their dads) is that they've only had female care-givers their whole life - men are a novelty. Enjoy, Enjoy! Donna
He is a cutie pie for sure - what a doll! You will have the two most perfect little boys. We cannot wait to meet Garrett. We are already smitten!
Love to you and keep the stories coming.
Team Hartman
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